Friday, October 1, 2010

Derailing the Tea Bagger Express

Tomorrow, hundreds of thousands will be meeting on the mall in Washington.  Unlike the world's highest rated conspiracy theorists' "Restoring Honor (To White People)" rally, it will be a truly diverse coalition of  religious, labor, community, and minority groups.  There will be no need to go trolling through the salt pile to find the peppercorn.  The REAL faces of our country will be on display at every turn.

Of course, the march is already being branded as a gathering of Marxists, Communists, and even "Pro-Terrorists" by the right-wing echo chamber.  True, there are some socialist organizations who are among the HUNDREDS of groups supporting "One Nation Working Together".  However, as most of us with a 4th grade understanding of History know, this nation was founded explicitily to allow for the freedom of political and religious expression.  THIS is what "freedom" really means, THIS is America.

This march has been reported to possibly be the largest since MLK's in 1963 and, unlike the 8/28 rally to restore fear, it will truly embody his noble spirit.

The Tea Party has taken over the national discourse for far too long.  Tomorrow we get to take it back.

If you can't be there tomorrow, you can still help move our country forward by going to the polls on November 2nd........AND DON'T GO ALONE....make it......

you plus two!!!

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